Hello, my name is Alex Docanto!
am a web designer.am a front-end developer.am a back-end developer.

My Recent Projects - Enjoy!

About Me
As a young child, before the internet became as popular as it is today, you would find me messing about in the command prompt, obviously knowing not a single line of code! This love for programming would follow me to college where I majored in Computer Science, but things took a turn due to financial reasons. To pay off student loan debts I had to take on jobs in the restaurant industry at places like Shake Shack and Papa John’s. I gained traits like being prepared before starting your job, problem-solving on the fly, communication, flexibility, determination and most of all: empathy. COVID-19 also devastated the world during this time, so while quarantined I decided to not only teach myself coding, but I also looked for programs that would push me to the next level. As fate would have it, Resilient Coders became that exact next-level push I needed, where I used the same traits I learned in the food industry to succeed. I am now looking to use these skills I’ve gained overtime to become a great addition to hiring companies!

Contact Info

Reach out on any of the platforms below! I'd love to talk coding, anime, sports, or anything you think is important. I will always make time for you so please feel obliged to contact me. Have a wonderful day!